Shradha Jain from Jabalpur Appointed as National President of AMJSWA’s Digital Media Cell

To integrate the country’s digital media with government schemes, enlist them with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, and provide grievance redressal facilities, AMJSWA has appointed Ms. Shradha Chandresh Jain, an expert in internet technology and a dedicated member of the organization, as the National President of the Digital Media Cell. This decision was made under the guidance of National President Vinayak Ashok Luniya, recognizing Shradha’s expertise and knowledge in internet technology.

On this occasion, the organization’s National General Secretary, Aditya Narayan Banerjee, stated that despite her young age, Shradha has gained unique experience in the latest technology and media. Additionally, she has a strong grasp of worldwide current affairs. Considering her talents, our team recommended her for this important position to National President Vinayak Ashok Luniya. Luniya entrusted Shradha with the responsibility of leading the campaign to link media professionals in the Digital Media Cell with government schemes and wished her a bright future.

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